Before You Attend

If this is your first time to check out our web site, you can expect the same things many now look forward to every week; a place where a person can grow through the Preaching and Teaching of God’s Word.   Today, people have many images within  their minds when it comes to preaching and many of those images are boring, dry and having no relevance to lives of today.  We here at Bible Baptist Church believe Preaching is to be passionate, as the pastor I believe that what makes preaching passionate is that the Spirit of God and the Word of God come together in the heart and in the mind of the preacher, which the Holy Spirit of God then uses deliver substantive and compelling sermons which inform the mind, inflame the heart, move the will of man and transform lives.  We here at Bible Baptist believe in the absolute truth of the time tested WORD of GOD.

Here at Bible Baptist, we believe that part of every great Worship service is made up not only of passionate preaching but it is also great God honoring music.  When it comes to music in our worship services we believe it has two primary purposes:  First, it must honor God for if it does not bring him honor it should not be part of the service.  Secondly, music should help us in preparing or rather tuning our hearts to where we receive the WORD God has for us.

Lastly in a culture which worships at the altar of relativism and idolizes ideas that seeks not to offend anyone, here at Bible Baptist you won’t find a judgmental spirit but you will find people when you arrive seeking to wear the best we have and the reason we seek to wear our best is not to dress to impress, rather our reason is we want to be very reverent in the manner in which we come into the house of God , we don’t seek to call attention to ourselves, our sole desire is to focus on our LORD Jesus Christ and to reflect him through our lives and even in the manner in which we live our lives. We simply believe God deserves the best we have to offer.

So, take as much time as you need, look around our web site and should you have any questions please feel free to contact us if we can answer any questions about us.  Again, thank you for checking out our website and we look forward to meeting you soon!